political praxis & catalytic communications

Unfamiliar consequences for Teflon Don

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I remember in the ‘80s when people would call Ronald Reagan “Teflon Ron” because negative press would never stick to him. Ah, the good old days…

Teflon Ron couldn’t hold a scandal candle to Teflon Don (aka Mafia Don), who not only survives more scandals than Reagan could have dreamed of, but seems to get stronger with each one. Bizarre but true. I think that’s why so many people like him. “He’s a worse person than me, yet he’s rich AND famous AND was president, and even though he’s constantly criming, he’s never held accountable.” The American Dream.

But we’re seeing signs that consequences are coming. $83 million in consequences last week, with four more trials to go. Bring it on.

[Image: His ugly mug shot]

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