political praxis & catalytic communications

What’s up with Republicans and Russia?

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What’s up with Republicans & Russia nowadays? The GOP used to base their identity on opposing the Evil Empire; now they’re all like, “Please Mr Putin, if you scratch our back, we’ll scratch yours.”

Republican kowtowing to Putin lately has reached absurd proportions.

We had Republican media mascot Tucker Carlson interviewing Putin in Moscow in the most obsequious manner possible, shamelessly spreading Russian propaganda to his viewers.

We had the main accuser of Joe & Hunter Biden—the one Republicans called impeccably reliable & based their “impeachment inquiry” on—shown to have fabricated his whole story while working with Russian intelligence operatives.

We’ve seen Republicans embolden Putin by withholding badly needed aid to Ukraine, threatening not only Ukraine but frightening our NATO allies in Europe.

We saw Putin’s main political rival “mysteriously” die in prison, while the leader of the Republican party shamelessly compares Navalny’s death to his own well-deserved consequences for his own criminal behavior.

When a major political party chooses to obediently follow their own shameless leader at the expense of national and International interests, teaming up with a foreign dictator at the expense of their own constituents, we know we’ve entered new uncharted waters.

I dearly hope that we the people of the United States figure out how to find our way.

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